Friday, April 29, 2022

 Pakistan strongly condemns the Israeli raid on Al-Aqsa Mosque

Dr.  Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute For Strategic Studies

Pakistan strongly condemns today’s raid by Israeli forces on Al Aqsa Mosque on Juma’tul-Wida in the holy month of Ramadan, resulting in injuries to many innocent Palestinian worshippers.

It is reprehensible that nearly 300 Palestinians have been injured over the past two weeks in Israeli attacks at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The indiscriminate use of force by Israeli occupation forces against defenceless Palestinians defies all humanitarian norms and human rights laws. Such attacks, in addition to causing injury to the Palestinians, violate the sanctity of Islamic holy sites.

Pakistan calls upon the international community to take urgent action to put an end to the Israeli violations, which continue to fuel violence, tension and instability in the region, and remain a matter of grave concern for the entire Muslim world.

We reaffirm our consistent and unstinted support for the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause, which has always been a defining principle of Pakistan’s foreign policy.

We renew our call for a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian State, with pre-1967 borders, and Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital being the only just, comprehensive and lasting solution of the Palestinian question, in accordance with the relevant United Nations and OIC resolutions.

29 April 2022

Monday, April 25, 2022

 Liam Neeson in action

Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, April 26,  2022: UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Liam Neeson is leading UNICEF’s global immunization initiative with a global message thanking the scientists, parents, health workers, and others who have been so critical in helping to immunize children over the last two decades. 

In a video released ahead of World Immunization Week, Neeson talks about how the efforts of scientists such as Jonas Salk, who developed the first vaccine against polio, and dedicated workers who fill vials at factories or deliver vaccine injections, have made it possible to save two to three million child lives each year.

“Vaccines are a remarkable human success story. Over last the 75 years, billions of children have been vaccinated, thanks to scientists, health workers, to volunteers. If you’ve ever been vaccinated or vaccinated your children, then you are part of the arm-to-arm chain that keeps all humanity safe,” said Liam Neeson, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. “We live our lives free of worry about catching smallpox. Once a terrifying diagnosis, polio is no longer a threat in most of the world. The conversation about vaccines in recent years has lost sight of how much good they have done for each of us. We need to celebrate this. It is perhaps one of the biggest collective achievements in human history.”

Every like, share or comment on posts mentioning a UNICEF social media account and using the hashtag #longlifeforall from now until May 10 will unlock the US $1 to UNICEF, from the United Nations Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation  – up to a total of US$10 million – to help ensure all children get the life-saving vaccines they need.

Despite the successes, an alarming 23 million children missed out on vaccinations in 2020. This number can only be reduced through a greater commitment to and investment in immunization services.  UNICEF is the world’s leading provider of vaccines to children in over 100 countries. With Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and partners UNICEF supply vaccines to reach 45 percent of the world’s children under five.  UNICEF also works with Governments in over 130 countries to strengthen national health and immunization programs.

“The last two years have taught us that a health care system that leaves some children exposed, is a health care system that leaves all children exposed,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell.  “The best way for the world to recover from this pandemic – and to prepare for future health emergencies -- is to invest in stronger health systems, and immunization and essential health services for every child.” 

World Immunization Week – celebrated every year in the last week of April – is spearheaded by the World Health Organization and brings together global partners to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against disease. The theme for this year is #LongLifeForAll, with ‘long life’ reflecting the importance of lifespan vaccinations. 

“We are in a race against time to restore the immunization services disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic and accelerate progress against all vaccine-preventable diseases,” said Gargee Ghosh, President of Global Policy and Advocacy at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. “That is why we are thrilled to work with UNICEF and other partners around the world to ensure children – especially those in the world’s poorest countries – have access to the vaccines they need to live a long, healthy life.”

“UNICEF ensures that nearly half of the world’s children under five are ‘protected by love’ with life-saving vaccines,” said Martha Rebour, Executive Director of Shot@Life, United Nations Foundation. “We are honored to support and promote their work during World Immunization Week and hope that others will join us in our advocacy for these critical global vaccine programs.”




Saturday, April 23, 2022


Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, April 24,  2022: The following is the message of the UNSG His Excellency Antonio Guterres on the international day of multilateralism and diplomacy for peace:

United Nations Member States, by ratifying or accepting the UN Charter, have committed themselves to the values of multilateralism and diplomacy for peace.

But as we mark this year’s International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, this commitment is being broken. The principles at the heart of multilateral cooperation are under the greatest strain since the founding of the United Nations.

From the climate crisis to the multiplication of conflicts – including the ongoing war in Ukraine; the governance of weapons of mass destruction; health emergencies; and the global refugee protection regime – the multilateral system and the value of diplomacy are under threat from all directions.  

We need to transform this moment of crisis into a moment for multilateralism.

The recommendations in my report on Our Common Agenda aim to protect and strengthen the foundations of global cooperation and create a networked, inclusive multilateralism that is fit for the future.

On the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, I call on all governments and leaders to renew their commitment to dialogue and global solutions that are the only sustainable path to peace.



Friday, April 15, 2022

 Pakistan expresses grave concern over the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Pakistan expresses its grave concern over the latest developments in various parts of the occupied Palestinian territories. Reports of Israeli forces’ raid on Al-Aqsa Mosque, today, indicate 152 injured and more than 300 Palestinians detained. This highly condemnable assault on worshippers, especially during the holy month of Ramadan, is an egregious violation of all humanitarian norms and human rights laws.
In recent weeks, Israeli forces have killed dozens and injured countless Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and other areas. This escalation of violence by Israeli forces in the Palestinian territories is deplorable.
We pray for the earliest recovery of those injured. Pakistan also calls upon the international community to take urgent steps to protect innocent Palestinian lives, and uphold international law and principles of the UN Charter.
Pakistan reaffirms its consistent and unstinted support for the Palestinian cause. We support the Palestinian people for the realization of their right to self-determination and other fundamental rights as well as a two-State solution, in accordance with relevant UN and OIC resolutions, with the pre-1967 borders and Al Quds Al-Sharif as the capital of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian State.
15 April 2022
HrKhader Khader and 21 others
1 comment


Monday, April 4, 2022

MONUSCO Repatriates the Bodies of Eight Peacekeepers

Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, April 5,  2022: The United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) today, repatriated the bodies of the eight UN peacekeepers who were tragically killed when their helicopter crashed on March 29 in North Kivu province.


The UN helicopter was on a reconnaissance mission where there have been clashes between the 23 March Movement (M23) group and the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) in recent days. An investigation is underway.


On March 29, the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. AntĂłnio Guterres extended his sincere condolences to the bereaved families and to the Governments of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Serbia, whose blue helmets are among the victims.


Today in Goma, shortly before the repatriation of the bodies, a memorial service took place in the presence of the Under-Secretary-General of the Department of Peace Operations, Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Representatives of the DRC Government, Senior Officials of the UN Mission, and the United Nations system, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, as well as MONUSCO, Agencies, Funds, and Programmes staff members.


"Whenever we come together in sad circumstances such as these, we recognize even more the immense sacrifice made by all of our fallen peacekeepers," said Under-Secretary-General Jean-Pierre Lacroix, during the ceremony.


“These peacekeepers have paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect innocent people and create conditions for a peaceful and sustainable environment. To the bereaved families, we express our solidarity, our empathy, and our compassion,” further said the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in DRC, Ms. Bintou Keita.



Saturday, April 2, 2022


Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, April 3,  2022: The United States, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), today launched a four-year water and sanitation initiative that will provide safe drinking water to 70,000 residents in two districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh provinces.

This new initiative will reduce water-borne diseases by using an innovative approach to improving access to water and sanitation services in health clinics, schools, and underserved communities in the districts of Tank (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) and Umerkot (Sindh).  This holistic approach to water management will build infrastructure, increase the capacity of water service utilities, and engage local communities to understand their needs.

“As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of U.S.-Pakistan relations, USAID is helping Pakistan provide reliable access to water and sanitation services and properly manage its water resources. These investments will have a dramatic impact on the health and well-being of the people and economic growth, prosperity, and stability,” said Acting USAID Mission Director David Young at the project launch in Islamabad. 

Speaking at the event, UNOPS Pakistan Country Manager Marysia Zapasnik said, “Access to clean water and sanitation is a basic human right.  With generous support from USAID, we are delighted to assist the Governments of Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in providing people in Pakistan with increased access to clean drinking water and sanitation, improving their quality of life.”

Spanning 75 years, the U.S.-Pakistan partnership has benefited the lives and well-being of both Americans and Pakistanis.  Together, we have built dams and schools, responded to humanitarian emergencies caused by floods and earthquakes, provided vaccines to people in need, and furnished tools and training to help Pakistan’s development.  The United States is committed to working with Pakistan to combat the challenges that affect us all.

For more information on USAID assistance programs in Pakistan, please click on:



 UNSC helicopter crash

Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, April 3,  2022: The members of the Security Council expressed their deep concern over the crash of the United Nations Organization Stabilisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) helicopter that occurred on 29 March 2022 in North Kivu, which resulted in the death of eight peacekeepers from Pakistan, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia.


The members of the Security Council expressed their deepest condolences to the families of the victims, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Serbia, and the United Nations.


The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms all attacks and provocations against MONUSCO. They underlined that deliberate attacks targeting peacekeepers may constitute war crimes under international law. 


The members of the Security Council, noting ongoing efforts in this regard, urged the Secretary-General, MONUSCO, and the Congolese authorities, to conduct swift, thorough, and transparent investigations into the crash of the MONUSCO helicopter, in association with relevant troop-contributing countries. They called on the Congolese authorities to bring any perpetrators to justice and to keep the relevant troop-contributing countries informed of the progress.


The members of the Security Council expressed concern at the increase of armed group activity in the eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


The members of the Security Council expressed their deep concern over the resurgence of M23 activities, which has led to the displacement of hundreds of civilians and a deteriorating humanitarian situation. They reiterated their condemnation of all armed groups operating in the country, including the M23, the CoopĂ©rative pour le dĂ©veloppement du Congo (CODELCO), and the Allied Democratic Forces. They called on all actors to end violence and their violations and abuse of international human rights and international humanitarian law. 


The members of the Security Council stressed the importance of MONUSCO having the necessary capacities to fulfill its mandate and promote, including by taking additional measures as appropriate, the safety and security of the United Nations peacekeepers and its operations, under relevant Security Council resolutions. They underscored that the primary responsibility for the safety and security of United Nations personnel and assets rests with host states and highlighted the importance of engagements and communications between MONUSCO and the Congolese government.


The members of the Security Council reiterated their full support for the stabilizing action of MONUSCO and expressed their deep appreciation for MONUSCO’s troop- and police-contributing countries. 



Friday, April 1, 2022

 UNSG message

Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, April 2,  2022: The International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action reminds us how far we have come in clearing the world of explosive remnants of war – and how far we still have to go.

Exactly thirty years ago, civil society activists came together to launch the International Campaign to Ban Landmines.

Within five years, the Mine Ban Convention was opened for signature.

Today, more than 160 states have signed the Convention and landmines have become almost universally unacceptable.

Over 55 million mines have been destroyed, more than 30 countries across the world have been declared mine-free, and casualties have dramatically decreased.

But the world is still rife with millions of stockpiled landmines and over 50 countries remain contaminated with these abhorrent weapons.

Mines, explosive remnants of war, and improvised explosive devices continue to kill or injure thousands of people every year – many of whom are children.

We must do more to protect people living under the shadow of explosive ordnance, from Syria, Somalia, and Afghanistan to Myanmar, Cambodia, and beyond.

In Ukraine, the legacy of a single month of war – in the form of unexploded ordnance, landmines, and cluster munitions – will take decades to tackle, threatening lives long after the guns fall silent. Already today, they restrict emergency humanitarian aid delivery and prevent people from fleeing to safety.

I call on all states to accede to the Convention without delay. Permanent members of the Security Council in particular have a special responsibility.

Mine action is an investment in humanity. It is a prerequisite for humanitarian relief efforts and the foundation of lasting peace and sustainable development.

On this International Day, let us build on past progress and rid the world of the scourge of landmines once and for all.




Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, April 1,  2022: The United States, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), today launched a four-year water and sanitation initiative that will provide safe drinking water to 70,000 residents in two districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh provinces.

This new initiative will reduce water-borne diseases by using an innovative approach to improving access to water and sanitation services in health clinics, schools, and underserved communities in the districts of Tank (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) and Umerkot (Sindh).  This holistic approach to water management will build infrastructure, increase the capacity of water service utilities, and engage local communities to understand their needs.

“As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of U.S.-Pakistan relations, USAID is helping Pakistan provide reliable access to water and sanitation services and properly manage its water resources. These investments will have a dramatic impact on the health and well-being of the people and economic growth, prosperity, and stability,” said Acting USAID Mission Director David Young at the project launch in Islamabad. 

Speaking at the event, UNOPS Pakistan Country Manager Marysia Zapasnik said, “Access to clean water and sanitation is a basic human right.  With generous support from USAID, we are delighted to assist the Governments of Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in providing people in Pakistan with increased access to clean drinking water and sanitation, improving their quality of life.”

Spanning 75 years, the U.S.-Pakistan partnership has benefited the lives and well-being of both Americans and Pakistanis.  Together, we have built dams and schools, responded to humanitarian emergencies caused by floods and earthquakes, provided vaccines to people in need, and furnished tools and training to help Pakistan’s development.  The United States is committed to working with Pakistan to combat the challenges that affect us all.

For more information on USAID assistance programs in Pakistan, please click on:


U.S. Ambassador Blome’s Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar

U.S. Ambassador Blome’s Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar The below is attributable to U.S. Mission Spokes...