Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Pakistan and the Decent Work Agenda

Pakistan and the Decent Work Agenda
Al-Bab Report

Being among the pioneer countries to design and implement DWCP’s, Pakistan continues to seek avenues for upholding fundamental principles and rights at work for its 60 million strong work force which largely operates in the informal economy and the agriculture sector in particular. Within this context, a number of decent work deficits exist in Pakistan’s labour market resulting in the incidence of the “working poor”. Thus, the working conditions and productive capacities of less fortunate who continue to make an effort to survive by working at the threshold of the poverty datum line, need to be improved.

Pakistan’s DWCP III, covers a 5-Year period i.e. 2016-2020 and is aligned to the country’s Vision 2025, provincial development plans, the One UN Plan as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).  The DWCP is premised on the human rights based approach and results based management principles for program development. The priorities of Pakistan’s third DWCP include:
  • Promoting Decent Work in the Rural Economy
  • Promoting Job Creation for Youth and Vulnerable Groups
  • Strengthening Compliance with International Labour Standards (ILS) through Social Dialogue
  • Extending Social Protection Floors
Pakistan’s DWCP was developed through a consultative process that included a wide range of stakeholders including academia, media, Economic Affairs Division, Women in Development Department, Ministry of Agriculture as well as the Ministries of Commerce, MINTEX and Foreign Affairs.  The development of the DWCP was informed by a comprehensive country program review undertaken in April 2015 which was followed by a priority settings session in September 2015, a results based management training in November 2015 to enhance the implementation capacities of.

Pakistan’s DWCP III seeks to make positive changes in the world of work through the application of normative actions.  It also responds to the policy and legislative environment as well as the constitution of the country which promotes equality of work.

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