Friday, June 24, 2016

Signs of collapse of EU

Signs of collapse of EU
Dr. Jassim Taqui

With the British divorce of EU and the accompanied uncertainty in Europe, the Turkish President Tayyib Erdogan warned that he would hold a referendum on whether to press on EU accession, unless Turkey got visa-free travel.

Things are very complicated for Turkey, which is trying since 1963 to join the European Union. Erdogan was rebuked by the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker who reminded Erdogan that in order to join the visa-free regime, Turkey must fulfill all 72 EU mandated conditions.

Turkey is supposed to meet extremely difficult financial and budgetary provisions. Additionally, Erdogan would be committed to respect the human rights of Kurds (13-18 percent of the population) and Armenian Christians. Turkey does not recognize the existence of Armenian community and refer to their place as “ eastern Anatolia” or “ North Kurdistan.”

Erdogan is contemplating to  open the doors before Syrian and Iraqi refugees to go to Europe. This would further destabilize EU especially when many among the refugees are supporters or members of ISIS. Consequently, terrorism would intensify in all EU targeted countries.

Unfortunately, the politicians played with the life of millions of civilians in their proxy war in Syria. Now, they are exporting these hapless civilians to EU.

Erdogan is accused of secretly supporting the ISIS and that he is seeking their help to declare himself  the modern-age Sultan of the Middle East.

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