Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hale to Foster Women’s Entrepreneurship

Ambassador Hale Urges Public and Private Sector Representatives to Foster Women’s Entrepreneurship

Al-Bab Report

Islamabad, August 31, 2016 – American Ambassador David Hale encouraged public and private sector representatives to continue their efforts to support women’s entrepreneurship in Pakistan during a workshop in Islamabad today. 

Ambassador Hale’s remarks occurred during the final conference of the one-year Women Can Do Project, funded by the U.S. Embassy and carried out by the Shaoor Foundation.  Through this project, over 3,000 women have received entrepreneurship training at public universities and madrassas across Pakistan.  Shaoor Foundation staff also have coordinated a series of policy discussions with government officials, educators, business representatives, and others to identify and address the barriers to women’s entrepreneurship in Pakistan.

“Through this project, we have found that so many women across Pakistan have a dream of establishing their own businesses, but many didn’t know where to begin,” said Women Can Do Project Manager Durreshawar Mahmood.  “While training and inspiring women currently in universities and madrassas to pursue their goals, we also have worked with officials and others to ensure future generations of Pakistani women have more resources and fewer challenges when seeking to start their own businesses.”

Supporting women entrepreneurs in Pakistan has a ripple effect on families, villages, and cities across Pakistan. Successful entrepreneurs create jobs for other women and men.  They offer innovative solutions to problems.  They deliver essential services.  And they support their families.

The Women Can Do Project is one of many entrepreneurship-related initiatives supported by the American Embassy.  For example, the American Embassy sends Pakistani entrepreneurs to the United States on exchange programs, supported the establishment of the WECREATE Center for women’s entrepreneurship in Islamabad, and sponsored the travel of Pakistani delegates to the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in June.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Statement by UNICEF on the humanitarian pause in Aleppo, Syria

Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake on the humanitarian pause in Aleppo, Syria

Al-Bab Report

NEW YORK, 26 August 2016 - “Today is another sad and dangerous day for the children in Syria, in particular, those living in Aleppo.
“Every child there – everyone affected – needs an immediate pause to the fighting in Aleppo, and every second of every minute counts when it comes to protecting and saving the lives of children.
“UNICEF continues to be at the ready to provide urgently needed humanitarian assistance, including medicines, vaccines and nutritional supplements.
“And we are standing by to support the assessment and repair of vital electricity and water facilities to provide safe drinking water to people all over Aleppo.
“More than 100,000 children remain trapped in the eastern parts of the city since early July.
“Over 35,000 people have been displaced in the western parts of the city.
“The children of Aleppo must no longer live under constant fear of attack in what has become one of the most dangerous cities in the world.
“But until there is peace, there is a desperate need for the humanitarian pauses, ceasefires and constant access necessary to save lives and save hope.”

UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.

Pakistan's initiative on urbanization

Government of Pakistan is taking necessary initiatives to get accurate knowledge of urbanization

Al-bab Report

As urban population is increasing, it is important to give more attention to sustainable growth and development

Islamabad – 29 August 2016: Pakistan’s increasing urban population and insufficient knowledge of the cities’ dynamics is resulting in the lack of timely service delivery, resource allocation, and urban solutions by cities’ authorities. Spearheaded by the Ministry of Climate Change (MOCC) with the technical assistance of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) funded by the Australian Government, the Joint Press Event, which confirmed the commitment of Government and sector partners to develop the ‘State of Pakistan Cities Report’, was held in Islamabad today. This report aims to present a well-informed analysis of the state of urbanization across Pakistan with quantitative and qualitative city-based data and takes a broader view that incorporates the economic alongside social, demographic, political and cultural aspects. It will support planners, administrators, and decision makers by the provision of sufficient information to help them design effective urban solutions without leaving out vital segments of urban society.

 “Urbanization is as one of the challenging issues faced by Pakistan. Yet, at the same time, it also offers immense opportunities for investments in addition to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Only far-reaching and calculated measures are the means to tackle it and for this purpose, the Government of Pakistan is leading the development of the State of Pakistan Cities’ Report to ensure that vital information can help planners, decision makers, and society to produce better and improved urban solutions”, highlighted by Zahid Hamid, the Federal Minister for Climate Change. 

MNA Marvi Memon, Minister for State, commented, “Cities and urban areas are becoming increasingly important for our environment, for economic development and for the security, welfare, and quality of life for a growing share of the world's population. I am glad to be a part of this initiative which will surely provide holistic knowledge for sustainable urban planning that is needed to meet both present and future challenges of Pakistan’s growing cities.”

The State of Pakistan Cities Report will provide urban information and updated data on first level major cities of Pakistan, establish appropriate key urban indicators and baselines, analyse development trends and challenges and present potentials for investment and growth. It will build the capacity of relevant stakeholders for evidence-based decision making and monitoring in the urban sector. The report will have an extensive policy impact created at city, provincial, and national levels particularly in relation to urban service delivery, land and housing, role of cities including their potential growth capacities and challenges, and will support the development of National Urban Framework or Guidelines and provincial level urban policies, and investment plans.

Australian High Commissioner Margaret Adamson underlined that the Australian Government was pleased to support access to accurate and timely information upon which to base policy and planning decisions. “The development of the ‘State of Pakistan Cities’ report comes at a time when Pakistan’s cities, and many cities throughout the world, are under increasing pressure from population growth and environmental concerns, including as a result of climate change”, Ms. Adamson said. "The report will provide vital data for planners, policy makers, and legislators in responding to these challenges and equip Pakistan's cities to play their future role at the centre of the nation's economic and cultural activity."

Neil Buhne, Resident Coordinator, United Nations in Pakistan – spoke about achieving SDG Goals. “When I first arrived in Pakistan in 1990, there were 120 million people, with 33m in urban areas. When I returned 9 months ago, there were 70-80m more Pakistani citizens, and the population in urban areas more than doubled to 80m people, causing paucity in urban services. Pakistan cannot meet the SDG’s by 2030 if there is not a rapid and big improvement in those services.  But it is heartening to see that the government today is taking the lead with all stakeholders involved to provide better urban solutions through well-informed data in the form of State of Pakistan Cities Report 2016. The UN team in Pakistan will complement this by building partnerships, providing technical expertise and assistance, and supporting the implementation of programmes, with UN-Habitat as the UN agency specialising in issues of urban development which will play a crucial role”.

U.S. Reaffirms Commitment to Trade with Pakistan

Senior U.S. Official Reaffirms Commitment to Trade with Pakistan
Al-Bab Report

Islamabad, August 30, 2016 – Assistant United States Trade Representative (AUSTR) for South Asia Michael Delaney led a delegation to Islamabad to discuss the ongoing U.S.-Pakistan Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, known as TIFA, from August 28-30 with members of the government of Pakistan.  The intersession meeting, hosted by the Ministry of Commerce, covered a broad range of trade and investment-related issues, including expanded market access for Pakistani goods in the United States, business-to-business ties, intellectual property, and progress on the Augmented Joint Action Plan for Trade and Investment, as agreed by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during the Prime Minister’s October 2015 visit to Washington, DC. 

Pakistan and the United States share a relationship based increasingly on trade and investment, and have a five-year action plan to continue to do so,” AUSTR Delaney said.  “The United States sees Pakistan’s prosperity as good for the region and good for the United States.”

AUSTR Delaney met with members of the government of Pakistan and discussed issues of bilateral interest.  During his meetings, AUSTR Delaney emphasized that the United States remains committed to working with the Pakistani government and private sector to enhance bilateral trade and investment ties. 

The United States is the largest destination for Pakistani exports and is one of the country’s primary sources of foreign direct investment, and in 2015, bilateral trade between Pakistan and the U.S. surpassed $5.5 billion. 

The U.S-Pakistan TIFA provides a strategic framework and principles for dialogue on trade and investment issues between the two nations.

Climate Change, Nuclear disarmament and humane Global Governance

Climate Change, Nuclear disarmament and humane Global Governance
Dr. Jassim Taqui

The Climate Change  is linked with the proliferation of nuclear weapons both of which poses a grave danger to the future of humanity. This issue is serious and needs a solution. The global forces came up with Plan B to prevent the worst outcome of the world disorder. However, the global stability needs Plan A to ban completely the nuclear weapons. Ideally, Plan A should have been suggested and implemented by the United Nation. This could not work due to the primacy of the geopolitical forces. There is, however, another difficult solution, which is to mobilize people at the grass-root level against the National States and force them to accept the Global States that would follow Humane Global Governance to save the human race from annihilation.

The above were the highlights of a lectured delivered by Professor Dr. Richard Anderson Falk, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University and former UNHCR Special Rapporteur on Palestine at ISSI.

Chairman ISSI Ambassador Khalid Mahmood acted as a moderator. He agreed completely with Dr. Falk. However, Dr. Hilal Albert disagreed. In her remarks, Dr. Albert maintained that the world does not need Plan A or Plan B. It needs a Humane Global Governance.

The Questions-Answers session witnessed some lively debate. Almost all intellectuals disagreed with both Dr. Falk and Dr. Albert.

It seems to me that a message was intended to be given to the Government that if it failed to toe the line of the Global Humane Governance, it would face its “Arab Spring.” The message was conveyed to the government in a rather humiliating manner. The two distinguished speakers underestimated the intellect  of the audience. Their notion was that the government should accept the dictates of the United States and freeze or even dismantle the nuclear weapons. They ignored the fact that the Obama administration has not acted as a humane when he agreed to export nuclear technology to India in total violation of international norms. India was given a waiver. The Obama administration went to the extent of signing a military pact with India, enabling it to use over 700-800 US military bases across the world under the pretext of fighting terrorism. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also agreed to let the US forces to use all bases of India in its fight against terrorists.

One would ask Dr. Falk and Dr. Albert how can you dare to perceive that the audience does not understand your message. Would you think the audience did not know your message, that is, “sacrifice Pakistan nation state in favour of Global governance.”

Monday, August 29, 2016

Muhammad bin Salman historic visit

Muhammad bin Salman historic visit
Dr. Jassim Taqui

The inevitable has happened at last. Following a quiet diplomacy through the diplomatic channel, the Saudi Deputy Crown Prince, Minister of Defence Prince Muhammad bin Salman took everyone by surprise when he paid an official visit to Islamabad on Sunday 28th August 2016.
He was accorded a warm reception reserved for the heads of states with the COAS Gen. Raheel Sharif receiving him in the Marshal Noor Khan military airport.
Prince Muhammad bin Salman wasted no time. In several hours, he met both civilian and military leaderships and achieved a consensus on cementing military, security and counter-terrorism ties between the two countries. The COAS Gen. Raheel Sharif pledged that Pakistan would strongly respond if Saudi Arabia’s territorial integrity is threatened.
Interestingly, the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif reacted cautiously by expressing “support” for the Kingdom. Linguistically, the careful selection of words by both reflects the differences between the two leaderships in dealing with Saudi Arabia.
Both parties should have announced the deployment of two divisions in Saudi Arabia to protect it from ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Pakistan has no option but to honor its military pact with Saudi Arabia that was signed in the eighties of the last century. Furthermore, Pakistan can’t be passive if the non-state actors used ISIS and Al-Qaeda to create chaos and anarchy in the holiest land in the whole words.
This visit means also the failure of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in winning over the traditional friends of Pakistan especially the GCC and OIC. It gives a message to the Western intelligence agencies that their game of using ISIS against Saudi Arabia is dead.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Kashmir and the ill-advice

Kashmir and the ill-advice
Dr. Jassim Taqui

At a time when the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi continues using force against the Kashmiri intifada, the former Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States Hussain Haqqani came with a new controversial proposal. This time, Haqqani proposed that India should leave Azad Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan while occupied J&K should be handled by India. This practically means an endorsement of Modi’s repression in occupied Kashmir, which has been condemned by the UN Secretary General  Ban Ki-Moon and most Western countries. Even the Indian media has condemned the Indian brutalities in Kashmir.
Pakistan has only demanded that the issue of J&K
should be resolved by holding a plebiscite in Kashmir under the UN and in line with the UNSC resolution of 1948. Also, the plebiscite should include the Kashmiri people on both sides, that is, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and the Indian occupied J&K.
Most probably, Hussain Haqqani has emerged as a spoiler. For, the civil and military leaderships in Pakistan are on one page regarding the core Kashmir issue. India, itself has agreed to include Kashmir in the composite dialogue between New Delhi and Islamabad.

This should also expose the two faces of Haqqani and the damage he caused to the issue of Kashmir while he was Pak ambassador to the United States. Additionally, Haqqani played a highly negative role against the Pakistan army on the behest of rogue elements in Pakistan and the United States at a time when the army is leading a war against terror in all over Pakistan. 

In her best form

In her best form
Jassim Taqui

The charming , big shot, nice, on ascendance and rise,
Your charm would bring merry stories along  with surprise,

cannot resist your bold pose, your look , color white,
Your blue,  body cries for care, action fair, delight,

Fully absorbed in love fantasy that made the scene real,
Rise again, look in the mirror, he’ll come with a sense to feel,

Always friendly, good spirit, making wounds and heal,
Those resisting you should be made from steel,

charming, seducing men, bringing  them in line,
Could see your action, your appeal, you are fine, 

Perfection was your motto, loving was your theme,
Making people happy, ready to sing and dance, loving this feme,

Sleeping  in classy style with inner urge waiting, held,
I am in bed, when everyone fled, telling  me to remain instead,

Just wanted to use all weapons to incite your soul and brain,
To let you running to me, embracing me again and again,

A time with myself with serene light green,
Love  you long ago, when I was teen, age seventeen,

To write about you is inspiration, I should write about art,
Revising my memories, love letters to  you from the start,

The perfect combination brings a heap of memories that fade away,
When you were surrounded by fans every day, yet you preferred to stay,

While sleeping you offered me the rose, you suddenly liked my pose,
For how long this continues? You own them while you get me dispose,

O Lord how can I describe her challenging look fixing me,
How I control myself, intense desire to grab her from thyme,

The great moment has come, with your charm, plenty, abound,
Action must be taken , telling your story of charm , appealing, kind,

You made your love prisoner, fan,  can’t see anyone but you,
I proclaim you the Goddess of charm. I do, and carry you through, 

Trapped me all the way, by your body, you display,
by your smile that shines love, makes me play, by your erotic poems you say,

Making me open - minded through her erotic poetry I feel,
There is no going back, I have to honor her notion and deal,

Your time is changing, it’s time to deal with what you retreat,
Time to date me on the beach, to bury my foes  under my feet,

Another notion came to fore, reviving the system of King and Queen,
Free you should feel with your queen, even if young or teen,

Hot has become the motto for girls and boys, for all,
Giving the signal of intense emotion and yet you’re tall,

I promise to be sincere, to love you without fear, to make my heart near,
To make you happy, lift your spirit with a song you like to hear,

Your theme is loving and sweet girls that I endorse,
Willingly, without argument or using any kind of force,

Giving you a kiss of fire, so as to remember me and write,
Me poetry and prose, no excuse, no fight, just Withering Height,

Using colors to beautify my love and life is the call,
Coming from my darling love, my playing doll,

your five ladies overshadow all, they’re loving and sweet,
They’re kind and love givers , fairies, you should well treat,

You have a great mind, love for people ‘cause you’re rose,
Wonder when people know you better, seek your sexy pose,

For a long time, I wished to meet you white and red,
Time passes, angels sought, but you remained  unfed,

Who can say I lack innovation, affection,  new look, right path,
With the heaven given beauty, cool nature, I reverse your wrath,

None can inhibit my plan to reverse jealousy, I am pure,
I come with ideas shining lights, breeding love, very sure,

Just beware the combination of red and green among teen,
We are free to interact with each other in a way amply seen,

Action or no action, you cannot succeed without a feme,
Who would fight for her life, fight and run with rapid seam,

With dreamy and challenging eyes, she had me in chain,
Since then, never recovered from her hunt, weapon, and pain,

Slowly, I started climbing, to reach her domain and throne,
She is the undisputed queen of charm, as solid as stone,

You have shown how to pose in total darkness your soft thing,
Keeping everything hidden, in a masterly way, from the wild king,

Indeed, you are born a star, with telling look of a child,
A mysterious smile, a special blue that turned me wild,

No time left to change your mind, you’re  left with one choice,
To involve in swift, soft action, taking his side, giving rejoice,

Here you give everything to your love with utmost ease,
Losing all other cards, just to fulfill his desire, to  please,

Acting on your own, you’re explosive and at hand,
No force can stop you to trap him in your own brand, 

Time is due to compliment you, your abstract note,
To embrace your spirit, your merit, message you sought,

In her best form, she appeared to talk and my silence tear,
To make me kiss her neck and carry on, face all strains , bear,

The love of Lord, the new world, sleeveless and red,
Can feel her breath, her whisper, and how others fed,

Something happened that makes me down and retreat,
Want to know his modes, why angry after kissing my feet,

Full of desire and anger, you made me standing like a lonely tree,
Cannot live and think, cannot mourn and aspire except for thee,

You have only seen part of me, there’re many aspects you may see,
Releasing your imagination, world of inner self, making you free,

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Poetry Slam

The Poetry Slam
Dr. Jassim Taqui

In a surprise move, the Missing Slate organized a poetry event. Five poets participated. Almost all of them enthralled the audience with their poems both in English and Urdu. Arooj Anwer acted as a moderator. She was focused and sharp in her introduction and comment; adding an aroma to the already fascinating event.

The five poets did so well that the panel of judges took a long time to declare the winner of the event.
Ultimately, the judges declared Obaid Ullah Baheer the winner of the poetry contest.

The poems were thematic. They attempted to bring to the fore various issues of a changing society including the issue of empowerment of women and changing morality.

However, romanticism was missing. The missing slate needs to take a corrective move. For, no poetry would stand its ground without romanticism. 

How to satisfy India?

How to satisfy India?
Dr. Jassim Taqui

In another move, the government is trying hard to convince the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to relax and give up the hate-policy. During 25-26 August 2016 India participated in the SAARC Finance Ministers Conference, which was held in Islamabad. However, India was represented at a lower level. The Indian Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das represented India in a crucial meeting, 
which explored the possibility of forming the SAARC Economic Union.
On the other hand, the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif extended another invitation to Modi to join the 19th SAARC summit to be held in Islamabad on 9-10 November 2016.

No doubt, these steps are positive. They have contributed to the easing of tension between Pakistan and India.

What is at stake here is the attitude of Modi. Has the government succeeded in convincing him to give up the hate-policy against Pakistan and its people? Has Modi given up his policy of isolating Pakistan in the regional and international fora? Did he respect the international comity that asked him to stop killing the children of the intifada in occupied State of Jammu and Kashmir?

Why would Nawaz Sharif gift Modi trade facilities when he has made a strategic alliance with Iran, Afghanistan and United States to promote the Iranian Chabahar and to sabotage Gwadar and the CPEC project?

Friday, August 26, 2016

Pakistan-Afghanistan dialogue

Pakistan-Afghanistan dialogue on women’s situation in displacement:
Challenges and way forward for policy and practice
Al-Bab Report

25 August 2016, Peshawar: A first joint initiative between Pakistan and Afghanistan took place today to assist women during displacement to enhance synergies so regional and provincial responses and coordination mechanisms incorporate women and girls as change agents and promote gender equality commitments in disasters and emergencies.

The meeting ‘Pakistan-Afghanistan dialogue on women’s situation in displacement: Challenges and way forward for policy and practice’, was hosted by the Honorable Meraj Humayun Khan, Chairperson of the Provincial Women Parliamentary Caucus of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, with support from UN Women (the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women) along with counterparts virtually connected from Kabul, Afghanistan. Participants included displaced women, Members of Parliament, women machineries and development and humanitarian actors.

The UN Women Pakistan and Afghanistan Country Offices presented findings from a number of inclusive Focus Group Discussions held with over 150 women and girls affected by displacement - Afghan Sikh and refugee women migrants ‘hosted’ in Pakistan and returnees to Afghanistan, and Pakistan’s internally dislocated women and returnees due to military operation against non-state actors. In sharing their journey of dislocation and survival these women and girls identified frequent and emerging issues faced by them during emergencies, displacement and in reconstruction. Findings from both sides of the border referred to: women’s role in decision-making before, during and after displacement; camp and settlement facilities; access to health services, educational facilities and income generating opportunities; possession of identity and/or residency cards; and transportation and financial assistance.

Members of the Women Parliamentary Caucus, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Provincial Assembly and Afghanistan’s Parliament following a plenary discussion based on the findings of the focus group discussions with displaced women and girls,incorporated their recommendations in a Joint Resolution.

Salient features of the Joint Resolution to make regional and provincial responses effective and more responsive to the needs of women, girls and vulnerable persons, and to support their safe and dignified return, include: (i) Ensuring women’s participation in the return processes including their meaningful role during the return intention surveys; (ii) Adopt an inclusive community-based approach with women’s participation at all levels including coordination of relief efforts as well as for identifying sustainability of families whilst displaced, while taking into account their healthcare, education, status; (iii) Providing guidance for economic empowerment and earning livelihoods by creating skill building trainings opportunities for the women and child headed households in particular; (iv) Lobby for allocation of adequate dedicated funds in the budgets/annual development plans of the provinces and districts experiencing consistent emergencies; (v) Develop institutional mechanisms for the collection and analysis of disaggregated data by sex, age, vulnerability and location; (vi) Oversight of processes providing identification documents (Tazkira in Afghanistan and Computerized National Identity Cards in Pakistan) to every woman that allows them an identity and access to food rations, healthcare facilities, non-food items and education for their children; and (vii) Increase access to social spaces to interact, share experiences and knowledge sharing with respect to displacement related issues and challenges for women and children in order to strengthen indigenous coping strategies and mechanisms.

The blame business again

The blame business again
Dr. Jassim Taqui

While South Asia is facing a genuine threat from ISIS, Taliban, Al-Qaeda and their terrorist outfits, the leaders of the region are involved in the blame game.

This game is virtually pursued by all leaders of the region including Pakistan.

The leaders of the region are unfortunately conducting foreign policy in the media instead of confidential talks, which should build bridges of trust and confidence-building measures.

Having said that, one should refer to the poor show by both regional and global players. I will skip Pakistan since there is no full-time foreign minister. This is, probably, the worst model in the region.
Look to the US administration and see how the State Department twists the facts and puts the blame on Pakistan, “for not taking enough measures to eliminate the Haqqani network,” and for being “selective,” in the ongoing Zarb-e-Azab operation.

India and Afghanistan have lost no time in pursuing the same US blame game. All the three have quickly blamed Pakistan for the terrorist attack on the American Embassy in Kabul. They never waited until the investigation is completed and evidence collected.
Ostensibly, there is no reasonable motive that would make Pakistan commits this evil operation. One would ask why Pakistan would plan to attack educational institutions inside Afghanistan. What is the motive? Pakistan itself is the victim of terrorists and knows how painful to absorb killing innocent people. Most people here have never recovered from the shock of APS massacre in which Afghan fighters came from Afghanistan to butcher 130 school- boys in the most barbaric manner.
However, the hearts of NDS, RAW, and VAJA of Iran are made of stone. They are involved in promoting terrorists everywhere in Pakistan. They are also used by rogue elements of the Western Intelligence agencies, which are desperate to sabotage CPEC through manufacturing the so-called “creative chaos.” Their other game is to seize or/and freeze the nuclear and missile assets of Pakistan.

In this era of IT revolution and rapid growth of the Social Media, you simply cannot conceal any secret.

U.S. Ambassador Blome’s Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar

U.S. Ambassador Blome’s Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar The below is attributable to U.S. Mission Spokes...