Friday, July 16, 2021

 The end of everyone era in Afghanistan

Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, July 17, 2021: Revisiting the US involvement in Afghanistan, one finds out that the successive administrations ignored some fundamentals strategic issues. The first is that Afghans and Taliban are not friends of anybody as eloquently testified by their behaviors through centuries. It is a fantasy on the part of any US administration, US, India, Iran, Russia, China, and CAR to assume that they would benefit from the loss of America.

Rather, the opposite is true. Afghanistan remains a tribal society that can be run through Loya Jirga plus its representative King as demonstrated by the rule of King Zahir Shah. In his era, an acquiescent and not parliamentary democracy functioned without real power. It was the worst exploiting political regime. But somehow it survived.

The same is partially true for Pakistan. Unfortunately, the democratic systems in the two countries miserably failed, It has failed in India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka as well. You just look at the ruling elites in these South Asian countries(SAC) and you find out that the ruling elites are either dynasties or the military in the case of Pakistan.

All institutions of the states are functioning as rubber stamps while the decision-making is made somewhere else and not in the compliant parliaments and the house of senates.

To maintain brevity, I am not going to give more examples to reinforce my views. Watch, however, the deep states, you would them everywhere in the SAC.

What the Americans have done is that they gifted Afghanistan to Al-Qaeda and ISIS. No other country would benefit. All SAC are targets of Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Consider it an Algebraic equation and try to find whether this notion is right or not. You would find this final equation:

US exit Afghanistan= loss of SAC or

US exit Afghanistan= win of Al-Qaeda + ISIS.

If you consider solving the above two equations into one  single equation similar to that of the Grand Uniform Theory of Abdul Salam for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize, you would end up with this equation by combining the above two equations:

US exit of Afghanistan= Zero for all SACs.

Nobody knows.  You may win a Nobel Prize.

If you think even harder and try to use the Pauli Exclusion Principle, Bohr Theory, and Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle that leads to the famous  Einstein theory  E =mc2, we might be able to invent the Time Machine of David Duncan that would enable us to travel in time. We would go back to the past to stop the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and hence make sure that Loya Jirga and King Zahir Shah remain in power.

With AI(Artificial Intelligence) we might make it. Anyone who does the feat might get the Novel Prize in Science fiction.

One last line remains. Mr. President, Joe Biden, sir, your decision to quit Afghanistan is correct. Go ahead in your mission and never turn around.  

The author is BS in Chemistry(Basra University), MS in Physical Chemistry (QAU), and Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics(Punjab University). He is an ardent believer in Travel in Time.

This article is dedicated to Basra University where I got my basic understanding of Quantum Mechanics topping the Faculty of Chemistry.


Copyrights: This article or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the author.

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