Saturday, September 18, 2021



Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, September 18, 2021: The UNSG Mr. Antonio Guterres sent a message on the occasion of International Equal Pay Day: COVID-19 pulled back the curtain on a gross injustice: the lack of compensation for the work of raising children and caring for people who cannot look after themselves, which is largely done by women.

 By pushing care work out of the formal economy and into the home, the pandemic has exacerbated the gender pay gap. Many women are struggling to hold down paid jobs while raising children, dealing with online school, and caring for sick or vulnerable family members without material compensation. Investing in the care economy helps bridge the pay gap by creating new, sustainable jobs while freeing women up to participate in the paid workforce.

 At the same time, most frontline health workers battling the virus are women. They often earn less than men, lack decision-making power, and suffer greater exposure to violence and harassment.

 I was vividly reminded of women’s dual roles when I spoke with a health worker in Ghana, Scholastica Dery. “As frontline workers, we are the majority,” she said. “Combining this with our household duties is not easy, but we are determined to do it.”

 Despite equal pay laws, women earn an average of just 80 cents for every dollar men earn for work of equal value. That figure is even less for women of color and those with children.

 Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic offers a generational opportunity to write a new social contract that upholds women’s human rights, including the right to equal pay.  This is a matter of justice and a responsibility for us all.

 On International Equal Pay Day, let’s resolve to dismantle the discrimination and harmful gender stereotypes that contribute to the gender pay gap.




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