Thursday, March 31, 2022


Dr. Jassim Taqui - Director General, Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Dr. Jassim Taqui is the director-general of the Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies. A physical chemist, linguist, and security analyst, Dr. Jassim Taqui provides expert analysis to over 40 television and radio stations worldwide. He advises governments, NGOs, and think tanks. He has also served as a visiting professor at AIOU and IIU universities and maintains a particular interest in political economy.



Over forty years of experience in identifying, evaluating, and responding to South Asian and Middle Eastern political and security trends, and their implications.

Established history of anticipating and planning for future scenarios based on deep knowledge of past issues and events, collated with contemporary issues.

Profound knowledge of culture and practices of Pakistan and Middle Eastern countries.

Expert on military and strategic affairs of Pakistan; its relations with First World countries and its implications for international relations.  




Key Skills

   Public & Media Relations

   Strategy & Communications

   Information gathering


Political & Security Analysis

Forecasting and scenario planning

Interpretation of events and data





Founder and Director General, Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies.

Webmaster for the popular blog,, with readership in Pakistan, India, USA, UK, France, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, Canada, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco, UAE, Egypt, Malta, Switzerland, Russia, China, and Turkmenistan.


Director-General, Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Analyst and advisor to the government; foreign governments and missions; and local and foreign think tanks.

Introduced "Al-Bab Confidential Report" in Arabic and English in 1972.





Deputy Editor (IR), daily, Pakistan Observer

Served as Deputy Editor (International Relations) for 14 years.

Wide-ranging coverage and public relations for foreign missions in Pakistan.

Pioneer of the Diplomatic Focus section, aiming to provide a platform for foreign missions to put across their activities and points of view to the Pakistani people.




Editor, Pakistan Pictorial (Arabic)

Founding editor of Pakistan Pictorial (Arabic); served in this capacity for 18 years.

Pioneered the establishment of the magazine by actively engaging the Department of Film and Publication, Ministry of Information, Government of Pakistan.

Oversaw all aspects of the magazine’s publication, also working with External Publicity, the Ministry of Information in the process.

Highlighted tourism, culture, politics, and practices in Pakistan, and popularized them in the Arabic-speaking world.




Correspondent, daily Al-Wattan (Saudi Arabia) 

Correspondent for Pakistan and Afghanistan since 2000.

Extensive coverage of Pakistan; the War on Terror; political & cultural developments;   relations with India & Afghanistan; and their global implications.






Senior analyst and go-to expert on Pakistan for Middle Eastern Television Stations.


Contracted to: Al-Hurra (Washington), LBC (Lebanon), Abu Dhabi (UAE), BBC Arabic (UK), Al-Manar(Beirut), Al-Arabia (Dubai), MBC (Lebanon), Al-Mustaqbal (Dubai), Algerian TV (Algeria), Bahrain TV, Egypt TV, Nile TV (Egypt), France 24 (Paris), Al-Alam TV (Iran and Lebanon), Jordan TV, Kuwait TV, Moroccan TV, Oman TV, Palestine TV, Qatar TV, Russia TV, Saudi Arabia TV, Sudan TV, Syrian TV, Tunisian TV, Turkish TV, Dubai TV, Al-Aan TV (Dubai), Abu Dhabi TV, Al-Sharqi


TV (UAE), Yemen TV, Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar).







Senior Pakistan analyst for over 30 radio stations across the world.

Contracted to: BBC Arabi (UK), Monte Carlo (France), Australia Radio (Australia), Cairo Radio Station (Egypt),  Radio Monte Carlo (Paris), Tehran Radio (Iran),  Jordan Radio (Jordan), Kuwait Radio (Kuwait), Moroccan Radio (Morocco),  Oman Radio (Oman), Palestine Radio (Palestine),  Qatar Radio, Saudi Arabia Radio, Sudan Radio, Sawa Radio (Washington), VOA Radio (Washington).





Official translator for the Government of Pakistan 1972-2002.

Translated all speeches of former prime minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto(over 5000 pages)


Translated 4 books of former prime minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto into modern Arabic language, including Bilateralism; RCD, Challenges and Response; The Third World, Imperatives for Unity; and If I Am Assassinated, which were all published in Beirut, Lebanon.

Translated over 100 books for the Department of Film and Publication, Ministry of Information, Government of Pakistan. Titles included: The Movement of Pakistan; Leaders of Pakistan; Speeches of the Founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, and various others covering topics such as politics, economy, culture, industry, tourism, international relations, security, and military affairs.





Ph.D. Linguistics: Theory of English-Arabic Translation, Punjab University. (Honor)

MSc. Physical Chemistry, Quaid e Azam University (Merit Scholarship)

BSc. Physical Chemistry, Basra University (Gold Medalist)

Professor, Allama Iqbal Open University for 14 years

Introduced the modern Arabic language to university curricula across Pakistan

Initiated the "Train the Trainers" program, building the capacity of local academics to teach the modern Arabic language across Pakistan.






The State Department, the Government of the United States.

The USAID, the Government of the United States.

Mr. Jack McCreary, Spokesperson, US Embassy, Islamabad.

Mr. Peter Clausen, Spokesperson, US Embassy, Islamabad.

Dr. Elizabeth Colton, Spokesperson, US Embassy, Islamabad.

Ministry of Information, the Government of Iraq.

Col. Hans Eberhart, Swiss Military attaché, London.

Swiss Defence Ministry, the Government of Switzerland.

World Muslim League, the Government of Saudi Arabia.

National Guard, the Government of Saudi Arabia.

Ministry of Culture, the Government of Saudi Arabia.

Ministry of Information, the Government of Germany.

South and East Asian Alumni Group, Berlin, Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of China.

Ministry of Information, the Government of Jordan.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Libya.

Ministry of Information, the Government of Qatar.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Syria.

Military Academy, the Government of Syria.

Ministry of Culture, the Government of Syria.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Turkey.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of the UAE.

National Intelligence and Security Service, the Government of Sudan.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Sudan.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco.

Ministry of Auqaf, the Government of Morocco.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Algeria.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Kuwait.

Ministry of Information, the Government of Kuwait.

Ministry of Higher Education, the Government of Kuwait.

Ministry of Culture, the Government of Kuwait.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Iraq.

Ministry of Information, the Government of Iraq.

Ministry of Tourism, the Government of Iraq.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Pakistan.

Ministry of Information, the Government of Pakistan.

Islamic Research Institute, the Government of Pakistan.

University Grant Commission, the Government of Pakistan.

External Publicity, the Government of Pakistan.

Department of Films and Publications, the Government of Pakistan.

Ministry of Auqaf, the Government of Pakistan.

Presidency ( Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto), the Government of Pakistan.

Radio Pakistan, the Government of Pakistan.

Ministry of Railways, the Government of Pakistan.

Rotary Club, the Islamabad chapter.

Mr. Ahmad Abdul Razzaq Al-Salman, Dean of Diplomatic Corps, Islamabad.

Mr. Sapar Berdiniyazov, Dean of Diplomatic Corps, Islamabad.

Mr. M.S. Khattak, Civil Defence, Government of Pakistan.

Professor Muhammad Hanif, Regional Institute for Complementary Education, Islamabad.

Mr. Raza Habib Rizvi, Department of Films and Publication, Ministry of Information, Government of Pakistan.

Mr. Abdu M. Heggi, Dean of  African Diplomatic Corps, Islamabad.

Professor Ziauddin, Islamic Research Institute, Islamabad.

Mr. Aslam Chisti, Anjumane Pakistan, Berlin.

Ms. Fahmida Ashraf, Editor, The Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad.

Mr.Abdulrahman Al-Rashid, Editor-in-Chief, Al-Majalla, London.

Mr. Joe S Foot, Dean, Mass Communication and Media Arts, Southern Illinois University, United States of America.

Mr. Alfredo Leoni. Ambassador of Brazil to Pakistan, Islamabad.

Dr. S. Mohammad, Editor-in-Chief, Al-Alam, London.

Mr. Kamel Djouzi, Editor-in-Chief, Elkhabar, Algeria.

Dr. Noman Jalal, Ambassador of Egypt to Pakistan, Islamabad.

Dr. Magdy Amer, Ambassador of Egypt to Pakistan, Islamabad.

Mr. Mushtaq Ali, International Conference on Scientific Miracles of Quran and Sunnah, Islamabad.

Mr. Abdul Mohsin bin Dawood Al-Khalaf, Director General, Radio Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Mr. Kafil Ahmad, Director General, Directorate of Films and Publications, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.

Mr. Ayaz Hamid, Executive Secretary, Organization of Islamic Conference, ministerial Committee on Scientific and Technical Cooperation, Islamabad.

Mr. A.B.Shahid, Pak-Gulf Leasing Company Limited, Karachi.

Ms Zuhal Yogancioglu (Madam Z), Turkish designer, Istanbul.

Mr. James R. Kunder, USAID, Washington, United States of America.

Following hacking my domain in Google, Jassim started a new blog: website:


Learning French Language:

Tomber amoureux du français

J'apprends le français. Aujourd'hui, c'est mes 187 jours consécutifs d'apprentissage. Compte tenu de ma formation mathématique, je peux dire que la langue française est aussi précise que les mathématiques dans l'expression. C'est donc un crime de commettre une faute de français. Sa précision m'a beaucoup aidé à perfectionner mes compétences en traduction.

Le français est aussi la langue de l'amour. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'avoir un amant. Vous en avez déjà un.


Falling in love with french

I am learning french. Today is my consecutive 187 days of learning. Given my mathematical background, I can say that the French language is as accurate as mathematics in expression. Thus it is a crime to commit a mistake in the French. Its accuracy helped me a lot in perfecting my translation skills.

French is also the language of love. You don’t need to have a lover. You have already had one



Monday, March 28, 2022

Imran Khan succumbs to the pressure of the deep state

Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, March 29,  2022: Things are happening rapidly in Pakistan that undermines democracy and the rule of law. Ostensibly, the Deep States is in full swing to get rid of Prime Minister Imran Khan. And it seems that he has succumbed to its pressure. This reading is based on the fact that he agreed to the demand of the establishment to get rid of the Chief Minister of Punjab Usman Buzdar. Not only that but he accepted the nominee of the deep state Chaudhry Pervez Elahi to replace Buzdar. Arguably, Elahi is well known for his corruption and wheeling dealings, come what may.

By promoting Elahi Imran Khan is also saying goodbye to his anti-corruption tirade. Thus the status quo is maintained and back to square one. 

Friday, March 25, 2022

 Public-Private Partnership Conference

Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, March 26,  2022: The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), in collaboration with the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), with the support of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) organized a high-level Public-Private Partnership  Conference to prevent  Trafficking in Persons and the Smuggling of Migrants. UNODC and FIA have been collaborating for over three decades to curb trafficking in persons.

The Conference provided a platform to the relevant stakeholders of public and private sectors to hold extensive discussions on the issues related to trafficking in persons (TIP), and Smuggling of Migrants (SOM). Participants with multidisciplinary backgrounds had an opportunity to interact with each other and deliberate on various aspects of the subject. Detailed presentations from experts highlighted multifaceted issues related to Trafficking in Persons, the implications of enacted laws,  and the importance of collaboration between various stakeholders to eliminate these crimes.

 Pakistan and Saudi Arabia lead the way toward recognizing Israel

Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, March 25,  2022: A careful reading of the original joint communique of the OIC in the Arabic language reveals that both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are leading the OIC towards official and open recognition of Israel. In return, the US-led western nations are conceding for the first time concessions to Islamabad and Riyadh on burning issues like Kashmir, Palestine, and the protection of minorities worldwide. Surprisingly Pakistan seems to have endorsed the US and UN stance on Afghanistan. It is supported by China and participated in the OIC as a “ Special Guest.”

The “Open Change of Islamabad and Riyadh is coming.” It should be mentioned here that Pakistan led the way towards the recognition of Israel since the signing of the Istanbul declaration on recognition of Israel in the “official and open” talks between former Foreign Minister Khurshid Kasuri and his Israeli counterpart Sullivan Shalom on September 2, 2005.

Pakistan was about to recognize Israel but six attempts to assassinate Gen. Pervez Musharraf by an anti-peace lobby in Pakistan forced Gen. Musharraf to freeze the issue until OIC collectively recognize Israel.

Russia seems also to be the greatest loser. The OIC adopted stance on Ukraine almost similar to that of the US and UNGA. The only difference is that the OIC used diplomatic and “ decent” language while dealing with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Saudi Arabia first held a secret meeting with high Israeli officials. Recently, however, the crown prince Mohammad bin Salman has openly proclaimed interests in recognizing Israel.

However, there is a setback in the process since the combined Pakistani Opposition and Taliban have rejected the peace process. It is expected that both would combine against Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. It is a full-action movie, don’t miss the show.



Thursday, March 24, 2022


Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, March 25,  2022: In every corner of the world, whether in their home countries or far away, United Nations personnel work tirelessly to serve the people of the world.

This International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members reminds us of the perils that these dedicated women and men often face while carrying out their vital mission and advancing the ideals enshrined in the UN Charter.

Since 2021, 142 UN personnel have been detained, including 15 in 2022 alone. In total, 22 United Nations personnel are still in detention. National staff are often at particular risk and face unacceptable threats to their safety and security.

We continue to monitor these cases and seek the immediate release of all our colleagues. I thank the Standing Committee on the Security and Independence of the International Civil Service of the United Nations Staff Union for its steadfast advocacy and vigilance.

UN personnel should never be arrested or detained because of the work they do in carrying out our mandate. I call on all countries to ensure that the necessary privileges and immunities are fully respected, including the immunity from legal process to be accorded to UN personnel pursuant to the 1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations.

I also call on all countries, which have not yet done so, to accede to and fully implement the 1994 Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel as well as the 2005 Optional Protocol to the Convention, which extends protection to personnel delivering humanitarian, political or development assistance.

The safety of everyone who works with the United Nations is our top priority. On this International Day, let us stand in solidarity with all detained colleagues and pledge to protect all United Nations personnel as they work to advance peace and human rights, protect the planet and build a better future for all. 



 A breakthrough in Gwadar

Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, March 24,  2022: In a major development, Gwadar Free Zone (phase-II) goes into formal action in true letter and spirit after the initiation of the land allocation process and soil testing rolled out by registered companies. Gwadar Free Zone (phase-I) is already completed and functional.

The get-going makes a headway within 32 weeks after  Prime Minister Imran Khan inaugurated the Gwadar Free Zone (phase-II) during his one-day visit to Gwadar on July 5, 2021, while launching several other development and infrastructure projects including an expo center, agriculture industrial park, and three factories.

Agvon, a Chinese company, has formally set in motion its physical work by initiating soil testing investigation, according to its first phase of the infrastructure development plan.

On the allocation of 10 acres of land, the Agvon dredging team is working round the clock. “As per the agreement, Agvon plans to build a state-of-the-art fertilizer processing plant within the stipulated period,” Majid, an official of China Overseas Port Holding Company (COPHC), said.

Gwadar Free Zone phase-II, designed with unique needs of manufacturing, trading, and service industry, will be the beneficiary of tax exemptions, incentives, and tax concessions available to investors of the zone issued by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR)’s Gwadar Tax-Free Zone Rules, 2021.




 Girls in Afghanistan must go back to school without any further delays

Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, March 24,  2022: “Millions of secondary-school girls around Afghanistan woke up hopeful today that they will be able to go back to school and resume their learning. It did not take long for their hopes to be shattered.

“The de facto authorities’ decision to delay the return to school for girls from Grade 7 to Grade 12 is a major setback for girls and their futures.

“With this decision, an entire generation of adolescent girls is being denied their right to an education and being robbed of the opportunity to gain the skills they need to build their futures.

“I urge the de facto authorities to honor their commitment to girls’ education without any further delays. I appeal to community leaders in every corner of Afghanistan to support the education of adolescent girls.

“All children deserve to be in school. This is the surest way to put the country on a surer path toward the peace and prosperity that the people of Afghanistan deserve.”



Wednesday, March 23, 2022

 UNSG message

Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, March 25,  2022: The following is the UNSG message on the occasion of International Day of remembrance of the victims of Slavery:

There is much that we know about the transatlantic trade in enslaved Africans, and today is a day we remember: the crime against humanity; the unprecedented mass human trafficking; the degrading economic transactions, and unspeakable human rights violations.

But there is also much that we do not know, and today is a day we learn. Behind the facts and figures are millions of human stories. Stories of untold suffering and pain. Stories of families and communities ripped apart. But also stories of awe-inspiring courage and defiance against the cruelty of oppressors.

We will never know every act of resistance – great or small – that slowly but surely triumphed over injustice, repression, and enslavement. But these accounts are crucial to our understanding of a past whose most pernicious and persistent legacy continues to blight our present: racism.

The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade is a time to learn about and reflect on such stories. To pay tribute to the millions of Africans who were torn from their homelands and communities. And to stand up in solidarity against racism everywhere.

Today, people of African descent continue to confront racial discrimination, marginalization, and exclusion. The political, economic, and structural power imbalances rooted in colonial rule, enslavement, and exploitation, still deny equality of opportunity and justice.  

On this International Day, let us stand united against racism and together build societies based on dignity, equality, and solidarity.



Monday, March 21, 2022

 Dr. Jassim Taqui

The wrong discourse

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, March 22,  2022: Pakistan on Saturday demanded a joint probe into a missile India said it accidentally fired into its territory.

Now, PM Imran Khan is in favor of directly interacting with India into the incident. However one fails to understand the stance of the foreign office that demanded on its part to involve the “international community” as well especially when New Delhi has always rejected a third party role in the bilateral relations with Pakistan.

Additionally, the foreign office should learn to use diplomatic language in its discourse with New Delhi.

The problem is the highly objectionable attitude of FM Shah Mahmood Qureshi who is also talkative, a trait that invariably leads to committing grave mistakes.

Due to this style of conducting foreign policy in the media, Qureshi almost sabotaged the historic relations with Saudi Arabia.

Ultimately both Imran Khan and Gen. Bajwa had to tender an open apology to MBS. The incident shows how incompetency humiliates nations under stress.

Such language should never be used with the Opposition as well. Because of the aggressive nature of PM IK, his entire government is in jeopardy. Thus IK is to be blamed for the no-trust move and horse-trading that threatens to bring down the government.

Finally, one reminds IK and FM of the language used by former PM ZA Bhutto against Gen. Zia ul Haq. Bhutto showered Zia with unprintable abuses that led to his trial and later his execution.  

You are never late. You have to change yourself to be acceptable in local and international scenes.




Pakistan and Mission Impossible

Dr. Jassim Taqui

DG Al-Bab Institute for Strategic Studies

Islamabad, March 22,  2022: A new release of Mission impossible is widely circulated in Pakistan. It generates immense attention from cinema-goers and security circles because Pakistan is the focus of the movie. This comes at a time when the nation is paralyzed by a power struggle between Imran Khan and the allegedly pro Opposition Establishment.

The plot is: Hollywood star Tom Cruise along with his Mission Impossible team lands in Kashmir to stop a sinister plot.

The climax sequence of Mission Impossible Fallout is set in Kashmir, which was recreated in New Zealand.

Before Mission: Impossible Fallout, Christopher McQuarrie has directed Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation in the franchise. 

Some militants schemed to land in Siachen. Their mission was to explode a dirty nuclear bomb in the glacier to trigger a war between India and Pakistan. Fearing that Pakistan would put the blame on India and would react by firing nuclear devices on India since Operation Siachen would devastate Pakistan, the CIA sent a special team to Kashmir to foil the mission of the terrorist.

If the nuclear device is exploded in the glacier, Pakistan and India would be flooded. The polluted water with radiation would cause the slow death of millions of civilians from both sides.

radioactivity in the water would virtually kill all agricultural activities. This is the problem.

Al-Bab was aware of this mission since it was floated in 1998. However, Al-Bab decided not to quote those people behind this very serious release of what could be a disaster for billions of people living in South Asia.


U.S. Ambassador Blome’s Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar

U.S. Ambassador Blome’s Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar The below is attributable to U.S. Mission Spokes...