Thursday, September 15, 2016

Iran’s Zionist connection

Iran’s Zionist connection
Dr. Jassim Taqui

In a surprise move, the Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif  combined with Ali Khamenei in giving a highly objectionable statement against the top Saudi leaders. These statements are non-publishable. They go at variance with the simplest diplomatic norms of interstates communication.

Iran has been for quiet sometimes engaged in proxy wars in various Arab and African countries. However, Tehran crossed the red lines when it supported the Houthi resurgence against both the legitimate regime of Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and Saudi Arabia. Subsequently, Saudi Arabia formed the Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism (IMAFT), which badly hindered the terrorists.

Iran had to absorb another shock when its attempts of politicizing the pilgrimage were foiled by Saudi anti-terror elite forces.

Probably, it is this these Iranian failures that prompted Tehran to engage in an acronymous war of words.
Iran has created tremendous problems before the Arabs in their attempt to find a negotiable settlement to the Palestinian issue on the basis of the two-state formula. It created rifts between Hamas and Fatah by supporting the former against the latter.

An interesting aspect, however, shows that Iran maintains intimate secret relations with Israel. Iran was the second Muslim country to recognize Israel after Turkey way back in 1949. The relations peaked under Mohammad Pahlavi.
Facing an imminent defeat during Iraq-Iran war (1980-1988) the Khomeini regime maintained secret ties with Israel, which supported Iran with the much wanted spare parts to operate its US-made warplanes. According to “Ronen Bergman, The Secret War With Iran, Free Press, 2008 pp. 40-48,” Israel sold Iran $75 million worth arms from stocks of Israel Military Industries in 1981. The weapons included 150 M-40 antitank guns with 24,000 shells for each gun, spare parts for tanks and aircraft engines, 106 mm, 130 mm, 203 mm and 175 mm shells and TOW missiles. The weapons were transported first by air by Argentine airline “ Transporte Aereo Rioplatense” and then by ship.

In 1981 also, Iran and Israel jointly attacked and destroyed Osirak nuclear reactor near Baghdad(ibid).

According to the “Jafa Institute For Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, Israel sold Iran during 1981-1983 weapons estimated at$ 500 million (Parsi, Trita Treacherous Alliance: The Secret dealings of Israel, Iran and the United States, Yale University Press,2007.”

Despite the Iranian media war against Israel, there were over 100 Israeli advisers and technicians living in a carefully guarded and secluded camps north of Tehran. They remained there even after the ceasefire.( Bulloch, John, The Gulf War: Its Origin, History and Consequences, Methuen London, 1989, p 17).
The Arabic Chapter of Al-Bab( 1972-todate) had prepared a series of research papers, which cannot be disclosed being confidential, outlining the role of the Zionist lobby in convincing the US President Barak Obama in helping Iran to achieve 5+1 nuclear deal despite strong opposition by the US House of Representatives and the Congress.

The fact that Obama signed with Israel 10-year, $38 billion military aid deal, collaborates the strategic papers of Al-Bab. It also shows that the public differences between Obama and Netanyahu are “noora kushti” or “fixed wrestling.”

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